
#2 – The One About the Future And New Work

05. August 2019

Welcome to episode number two of the  „What to Watch, Read + Listen“ (WTWRL) podcast. Today’s episode focusses on the topics of future and new work. New work been a really hot topic in my English coaching sessions recently that my corporate clients want – and need – to talk about since they are confronted with new work topics on a daily basis. The problem for them and also for me and for the podcast episode that I had planned is:

The topic of new work is really hard to grasp, difficult to understand and almost impossible to define. What exactly is new work? What is it that should we talk about? Is it Design Thinking, Agility, WOL, Lean Management, Scrum, VUCA? Each of these buzz words could be the topic for a stand-alone podcast episode!

The One About The Future And New Work

I decided to take a step back and to adopt a broader, more general perspective. And that’s why today I will look into the general future – our future and the trends that look like they are going to shape our future. And yes, this means that we will also look into the future of work!

You can now listen and subscribe to the podcast here on my website and on iTunes or your favorite podcast apps such as Overcast.

Have fun and enjoy the show!


Show Notes

What to Watch

When it comes to trends and future, there is no way around professor and quantitative futurist Amy Webb and her Future Today Institute. At this year’s SXSW conference Amy Webb talked about emerging science and technology trends and presented the results of the 2019 trend report.

Amy Webb’s Emerging Tech Trend Report at SXSW 2019

Valter Adao “The Future of Work”

Stop worrying about the technology and the trends and start thinking about the principles and philosophy that we want to use to shape the future. (Valter Adao)

Die Stille Revolution (in German)

What to Read

Amy Webb’s Trend Report 2019 (PDF download)
Future Today Institute Newsletter
„The Big Nine“ by Amy Webb

Blinkist app

My personal go-to-source for anything related to trends, technology, the future of work and life is the Fast Company magazine.

What to Listen

If then podcast

Six Pixels of Separation
ep 680 Robots, Humanity and Marketing Artificial Intelligence

On The Way To New Work (German / English)
ep 100 New Work Godfather Frithjof Bergmann
ep 125 John Strelecky, author of “The Big Five for Life” and “The Why Café”
ep 134 John Stepper, inventor of the WOL method

Eigenstimmig podcast (in German)
ep 11-1 Interview with Susanne Eckes

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the “What to Watch, Read + Listen” podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Now go and rock the world! I’ll see you next time.

Share your own recommendations

Please use my recommendations as starting points for your own list of favorite shows, podcasts, books and more. If you want to share your discoveries and takeaways from this episode on social media, please tag me personally or use the hashtag #wtwrl. I’m mostly on Instagram and on LinkedIn these days.

WTWRL is a podcast for curious people (like me) who are always looking for inspiration, forward thinking ideas, and current trends. Each episode has a specific topic and gives you tons of starting points for your own journey into the English-speaking world.

A side note: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored, neither is this episode of the WTWRL podcast.

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Professional Coach und Ex-Expat-Partner. Meinen riesengroßen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

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