Transitioning to Germany – A Visual Journey

Transitioning to Germany – A Visual Journey

Hello Germany! Here we are – in our new home, our new life. Today is the second morning that I have a couple of hours to myself. The kids are in school and day-care, my husband is at work. And I finally feel like writing again and telling you a little bit about the past weeks and months and the process of transitioning to Germany. But where do I start?

transitioning to Germany

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Germany – Random First Impressions

While I was in Germany for my Look & See-trip 2 weeks ago, I made sure to write everything down that struck me as different, strange, noticeable, new… Once I got off the plane in Munich, I opened my virtual Evernote notebook, started to take everything in and took notes: of how people are dressed, how they behave, what the landscape looks like, how houses are different from the United States. And of what I ate. Looking back it seems that’s all I did: eating and drinking. And talking. Lots and lots of talking. I loved it!

first impressions of Germany

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My 5-Day Trip to Germany

I’m back! Back from my 5-day-trip to Germany. And I’m happy! Really happy. And relieved… I’m SO glad I went to Germany and got everything sorted out: house, school, day care. I feel much less anxious now about moving back to Germany. Yes, it’s going to be hard. And saying good-bye is going to be sad. Really really sad. But moving back is going to be so doable! I’m still processing a lot of things in my head, but I promise you’ll read more about my Look & See-Trip soon. Until then I hope you’ll enjoy this short photo journey I put together for you!

trip to Germany air

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Going Back to Germany – Checkliste für die Rückkehr

Going Back to Germany – Checkliste für die Rückkehr

Es ist schon April! Es sind also noch nicht mal mehr 3 Monate, bis wir unseren Container packen und unser Hab und Gut auf die Reise nach Deutschland schicken. Bis dahin gibt es aber noch so viel zu tun! Damit ich – und alle anderen Expats, die zurück nach Deutschland ziehen – nichts Wichtiges vergessen, haben die Expatmamas und ich für Euch die wichtigsten To-Dos in dieser Checkliste für die Rückkehr zusammengestellt – zum Download und Ausdrucken.

Checkliste fuer die Rueckkehr

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